Depression Counselling

At times we all feel sad, disappointed, and unmotivated. Often these transient feelings fade and go away naturally. Sometimes these feelings persist and become engrained having a profoundly negative affect on our emotional health and daily functioning.

Relationships with family and friends can become frustrating, work or school performance decline, and there may be a change in sleep patterns, appetite, and/or sex drive.

Every aspect of our lives can become heavy and overwhelming, and we may feel disheartened in ever finding our way back to a life of hope and vitality.

Whether you are clinically depressed or feel down with the blues, there is hope, you do not have to struggle alone.

Using support, guidance, and well-tested strategies the therapists at Viewpoint will help you manage negative and uncomfortable symptoms of depression and guide you to a life full of promise and vibrancy.

Man dealing with Depression

Counsellors who can help


Couples Intensives


Family Counselling