LGBTQ+ individuals and couples face difficult and unique challenges. These challenges are significant and deserving of recognition. Growing up, you may have experienced confusion about your sexuality. This confusion may have been further complicated by the difficult task of disclosing your identity to friends and family. In the past hiding your sexuality, a vital and innate part of who you are as a human being, may have been necessary for survival.

However, over time secrecy and shame can result in guilt, depression, and negative self-judgment. These harmful feelings, along with, at times, intolerant societal attitudes, may contribute to higher incidences of anxiety and depression in LGBTQ+ individuals.

By working with a compassionate therapist, with whom you feel accepted and validated, you will find valuable support, guidance and hope as you explore your concerns with greater clarity.

Additionally, therapy can be helpful for parents and family members, who may vary in their degree and pace of acceptance of your LGBTQ+ identity. Therapy can facilitate parents’ and family members’ adjustment to change in their perceived identity as a family, and increase their understanding and acceptance.

*LGBTQ+ Is an acronym meant to include all minority sexual and gender identities including but not limited to lesbian, gay, bisexual, two-spirit, transgender, queer, questioning, intersexual, pansexual, asexual.


Counsellors who can help


Grief Counselling


Parent Coaching