Parent Coaching

Parenting is a complex task that requires understanding each child’s unique personality, temperament, strengths and needs. Parents/primary caregivers are the greatest influence in a child’s early life. Witnessing children grow into healthy, happy, and resilient people is one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences. Sometimes, however, family stressors or a child’s difficulties can make parenting feel overwhelming and family goals unachievable. Under strain, even the most dedicated parents can struggle and need support to effectively cope with their situation. Children may also experience difficulties that can exceed their skills, which can be expressed in emotional concerns and challenging behaviours.

Counselling can help parents better understand their strengths and needs as well as those of their children. Working together, you and your counsellor can further develop the skills and knowledge to further develop healthy, positive parent/child relationships. Our counsellors provide proven, individualized interventions to help you achieve better balance, effectively manage challenges, and promote your child’s wellbeing.

Viewpoint counsellors can help parents address several parenting issues, including:

  • Healthy parent-child relationships

  • Understanding children’s development, needs and strengths

  • Parenting a child with learning, behavioural or mood concerns


Counsellors who can help




Self Esteem Counselling