Addictions Counselling

At some point the cost of continuing with your addiction outweighs the perceived benefits. These costs may be the loss of control, shame and isolation, loss of time, money and/or loss of relationships. As an addict, you face numerous challenges due to the misuse of substances (alcohol, drugs), obsessive behaviours (food, shopping, gambling) or intimate relationships (sexual acting out, pornography, excessive neediness).

It is finally time to end the suffering and pain you have been trying to escape. It is finally time to correct your negative views (core beliefs) that originate from difficult experiences, and predispose you to think negatively about yourself, other people and/or the world. The core of addiction is disconnection. As human beings, we need people in our lives to connect with and support us. We offer you support and help in understanding the cause of your addiction.

We offer hope when you feel there is nothing left. We can help you create a plan tailored to your needs and goals. Our assessment and counselling will include learning about your history, present situation and identifying your goals. Our counsellors will talk with you about different treatment options. Our counsellors will help you choose goals and strategies, make suggestions, and review your progress with you. We are waiting to take the journey alongside you.

Young man going through therapy

Counsellors who can help


Gottman Method Counselling


Anxiety Counselling